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What to Look for in an IT Consulting Firm

Savvy business owners know what they are good and NOT good at. They find the right team and surround themselves with industry leaders to guide their business to success. They often look to consulting companies, especially when it comes to critically important jobs like IT.

When choosing an IT consulting firm, C-Suite managers need to find knowledgeable consultants, know the latest technologies and fit within budget parameters.

How to Find the Right I T Consulting Firm

When interviewing IT consulting firms, there are certain things that organizations should look for before making a hiring decision. It is wise to interview several consultants before making the important decision of opening up a portion of your operations to a consultant.

Here are some tips from, that may be helpful:

  • They should have plenty of industry experience. Hiring someone right out of school may be good financially, but they don’t have enough industry experience. New graduates may be tech-savvy and know the latest technologies, but they lack real-world experience. Technology is ever-changing, and organizations need real-world experience to tackle real-world issues.
  • The proper certifications. Most quality IT consultants stay ahead of the latest advancements and participate in continuing education classes. Companies that have certifications show that they are qualified to work on the newest tech innovations. It also shows that the company is serious about their team and advancing them to the next level.
  • A good reputation is important. IT managers need to be careful when choosing outside consultants. After all, the company is opening up one of its most vulnerable information to an outside source. The consultant should provide information such as:
    • How long have they been in business?
    • Do they have a portfolio of their work and clients?
    • Do they guarantee their work?
    • Will they provide a list of current clients and references?
  • Stay within budget parameters. Budgets are part of business and often dictate how much money is allowed for an IT consulting firm. The best companies also charge the highest rates, so IT managers need to do their due diligence to find the right consultant at the right price.

Forbes also offers some great tips when hiring consultants in general.

Look for IT Consulting Firms that Offer a Wide Array of Services:

C-Suite managers should have a checklist of the services they need before they start interviewing IT Consulting Firms. Here is a list from F1 Solutions that may be helpful putting together a checklist:

  • Network Support
  • Internet Security Products
  • Antivirus/Malware Protection
  • Network Vulnerability Testing
  • Risk Assessment
  • Team Support for Internal IT Departments
  • Hosting and Email Hosting Services
  • Off-site Backup Software
  • Secure Email Encryption
  • Data Encryption/Recovery
  • Apple Certified Professionals
  • Disaster Solutions

Knowing when you should outsource and choosing the right IT partner can be a crucial decision when it comes to the long-term success of a business or organization.

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