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Engagement Tips: Preparing Yourself for the Marriage Proposal

After spending some time knowing your partner and deciding you want to have them in your life forever, it’s now time to ask the big question, “will you marry me”? Proposing to your partner signifies your will to spend your life together, create beautiful memories, and maybe, have kids.

Just like many people, worrying about the kind of answer you’ll get is not usually a big concern. What can make you anxious is how to propose. Which kind of ring will be perfect? How is one supposed to kneel when proposing? 

These are some of the questions that might be running in your mind all along. Here is a guide on how to prepare when you want to propose.

Ensure You Are Sailing on The Same Boat

You don’t want to get disappointed by getting a no after asking your partner if they will marry you. Not everyone wants to get married to their partner, even if they still date them. Have a conversation with your partner about marriage, and tell them you’d like to marry them someday and let them give their opinion. 

After you’re sure they’d like to get married someday (to you), you can confidently make the proposal. Ensure you both share the same sentiments on big issues like having kids. Even if you discuss marriage before proposing, try to make it a surprise. Too obvious proposals are not the best.

Get the Ring

Your partner will wear the ring all their life, so there is no room for making mistakes. For many people, colored stone engagement rings are considered symbols of eternal commitment and love. Before buying any ring, make sure you have your partner’s finger measurements. 

Having the right measurements ensures you get a perfectly fitting ring that doesn’t hurt for being too small or fall off from time to time for being too loose.

Plan an Engagement Celebration

An engagement celebration gives you a platform to make the big announcement to friends and family. If you haven’t planned or attended such a party before, you are more likely to have many questions about how things are conducted. 

Have the party soon after you get engaged and choose who to invite. If it’s a small party, invite close friends and family members. You can even send written invitations to make things a little bit unique, but it’s not mandatory. Choose a suitable venue and plan a menu of your choice. Ensure you have a photographer to capture the beautiful moments. That way, you can have photos to keep and remember that day years later.

Proposing to your partner is a big milestone. It shows that you wish to take your relationship to the next level. It’s possible to make the process smooth when you follow the steps above. After adequate preparation, you can confidently propose to your partner and get a yes for an answer. A successful proposal will give you some form of exposure, making it easy to plan for the next step; the wedding.

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