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Pope Francis, in Shift for Church, Voices Support for Same-Sex Civil Unions

Same-sex couples, The remarks, made in another documentary, are the most grounded at this point from a pontificate that has taken a more lenient and comprehensive tone.

Pope Francis, who since the start of his pontificate has taken a more lenient tone toward homosexuality, seemed to break with the situation of the Roman Catholic Church by supporting civil unions for same-sex couples, as per remarks Francis made in another documentary that appeared in Rome on Wednesday.

Talking about peaceful effort and care for individuals who recognized as L.G.B.T., Francis legitimately addresses the issue of civil unions in the film.

“What we need to make is a civil association law. That way they are lawfully secured,” Francis said in the midst of remarks wherein he in any case emphasized his help for gay individuals as offspring of God. “I went to bat for that.”

It was not quickly clear when Francis made those remarks, however Evgeny Afineevsky, the head of the documentary, ”Francesco,” said that Francis made the remarks straightforwardly to him for the film.

Church showing considers homosexual acts “inherently disarranged” and the church is against gay marriage.

In 2003, under the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, the church’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, at that point drove by the future Pope Benedict XVI, given “Contemplations in regards to the proposition to give legitimate acknowledgment to unions between homosexual people,” in which it stated, “The Church instructs that regard for homosexual people can’t lead in any capacity to endorsement of homosexual conduct or to a lawful acknowledgment of homosexual unions.”

Matteo Bruni, a representative for the Vatican, declined to remark until he had seen the films and the pope’s remarks.

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