Best House Plants as a Birthday gifts

Best House Plants as a Birthday gifts

We all love having house plants in our houses and decorating houses using them. These house plants are called house plants because they are really small in size and do not occupy a lot of your space. Let’s look at the reasons first why you should give a house plant as a birthday gift. 

1) House plants are cheap and one of the easiest available gifts online and offline. 

2) House Plants are smaller in size and therefore can be kept in any corner of the house. 

3) You can buy both kinds of houseplants, one that is all green and flower-less and the second one which is a floral house plant. 

4) House plants not only compliment your house but also it is a good addition to your boring walls and Interiors. It will add lots of colors to your house and increase fresh and positive vibes in the house. 

The best way to deliver these houseplants as a birthday gift is that an online cake and flower midnight delivery in mumbai is available so you can rest assured that your friends and family members will have an amazing surprise. Let’s check out the house plant that you can give to your friends and loved ones. 

1) Terrarium Hanging Plants

Terrariums are kinds of glass flowering pots that are used instead of a ceramic pot. They are also lighter in weight and we can buy them online very easily. They are smaller and larger so you can keep them and you can also hang them high. A terrarium can also be decorated using some well-drained soil and placing either already grown plants or seed net you can also add a few pebbles to make it look beautiful. You can decorate this terrarium with happy birthday roses or any other flower you want to place. However, you need to remember that these terrariums are mainly for planting small green flowers. 

2) Chinese Money Plant with Ceramic Vase 

Chinese money plants are becoming quite popular nowadays. These plants consist of a very soft stem which is light green colored and dark green leaves whom the stem pierces at a corner to stay connected, it feels as though it’s handmade. These flowers would look amazing in a beautiful ceramic vase and you don’t have to worry as when you order a flower bouquet online & send flowers to gurgaon you’ll have a choice of the vase. This would make-up for a perfect birthday gift as it shall and can be kept next to or on your study and center tables or anywhere you wish to keep them. 

3) Hanging String of Pearls 

Have you ever come across pearls hanging around? I’m sure you must have, but these hanging pearls are natural, hazardous free, green-colored pearls that look amazing in any corner of the house, you can hang them like a chandelier with neon or series. As a birthday gift, they are very easily available. You can give them as a happy birthday bouquet & return gift ideas for kids along with other gifts or just a pearl of strings is sufficient. Please do not overwater it otherwise it will die very soon, loose soil used for cactus will be suitable for a string of pearls if you are growing them in house. 

4) Hanging Boston fern 

Ferns have a beauty of their own and we love admiring them. Boston ferns prefer filtered sunlight, that is they should be hung up near the window or could be spread out on the kitchen countertop. They are lemon green color and that shines brightly as rays of light fall on it. So you can hang it in your entrance, over a dinner table, lounge or anywhere in the entire room, just make sure that you buy a bouquet online or rather the whole flower pot online, and that it is given only nutritious soil which remains damp all along. This will be the best birthday gift for any friend. 

5) Bromeliad 

We have seen lots of plants that have as many shapes and colors as there are in flowers. But this plant is a bundle of elegance especially because it has green foliage and a rosette flower-like leaves come out from the center as a separate flower. And the best part is that these red colors are available in various shades ranging from Orange, yellow, lavender to purple turquoise, etc. It requires a humid and warm climate, with water surrounding its roots, it will thrive like your first successful date. And the best part is that you can give it as a birthday gift along with happy birthday roses and this will not be awkward at all.

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